Education is the pillar upon which every
society across the world is built. Therefore, the provision of education is one
of the most important issues that the government of every country has to ensure
is kept at the best of standards. In countries where the major part of the
population is not able to access education services, they are characterized by
a struggling economy. This is due to the fact that the population is not
equipped with the relevant skills to play their role in the building of the
country. On the other hand, countries that have invested in their educationsystems are mostly characterized by prosperity and young innovation.
Due to the facts above, the Relief IndiaTrust has decided to look keenly into ensuring that the people of India have
access to education so that there is improvement of the country in all
standards. This is not only done at the basic child level, but the organization
has also focused on teaching the grown how to read and interact intellectually.
This is due to the fact that development can only happen if all sides are
pulling in one similar direction. The Relief India Trust has contributed to
improving the standards of education in the country in the following ways;
Gender equity education systems
To ensure that both the girl child and the
boy child are well educated, the organization has built up centers to ensure
that the girls are not left out as the boys get to learn. This is in a bid to
ensure that there is social equity across the society. The trust has also been
highly involved in the campaign for ensuring the poor in society are provided
with the necessary funds to advance in their studies.
Study material distribution
Relief India Trust understands that most of
the times the reason as to why the education system in the country does achieve
its ultimate goal is due to the fact that the pupils are not in access to the
relevant study material that is needed for full potential actualization. As a
result the trust has gone within its means to provide the relevant study
material to areas most needed. The initiative has seen a lot of students in the
country get better in studies and even achieve more in the classroom.
Special education for the disabled
The goal of education is to reach all in
the society and provide all the students with a chance of competing favorably
for opportunities available in the job market. This is to mean that people
living with disability are also a part of the system and thus should be
educated as well. The trust has set up special centers all around the country
to ensure that the disabled in the country are not left behind in the society. In
these centers, the disabled students both at infant and medial level are taught
in their own special way. This is also incorporated with the teaching of basic
skills that they can put to use and earn a living for themselves later on.
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